November Nor’easter

Wow – plenty of rain the last few days.  In fact, it started raining Tuesday evening, and did not really stop until some time yesterday, and then it started again.  It was mostly a drizzly rain yesterday and last night, so did not add up to the 7 inches or so we got of the previous two days, but it was still messy.  It is overcast today with occasional misty drizzle.

I did not have to go to work on Wednesday since it was Veteran’s Day, and I did not go to work Thursday due to the weather and flooding.  In fact, they closed work Thursday after they saw how bad things were, and then they ended up doing the same thing Friday.  I went in Friday for a few hours to finish up some things before the weekend.

Since I was not at work, and the weather was not good for going anywhere, I fiddled around in the garage a bit.  Mostly I spent the time just cleaning up my shop area.  I managed to get my work benches pretty well cleaned off and then did some troubleshooting on my bandsaw.  the speed control was not controlling anything and let the saw run full speed all the time.  After taking the controller apart, I found a bad triac on the circuit board that needed replacing.  Luckily I had one in my junk box, so after a little soldering I had the saw running like new.

I had a broken oiler for one of my engines than needed overhaul.  I started on that too, but have not finished yet.  It came on the latest engine I bought.  It is a nice cylinder oiler with a good ball check and vent tube.  The lower glass is broken and of course, all the gaskets are old and brittle.  I’ll cut new gaskets out of cork and seal it up nice and tight.  Then I’ll order a new glass for the bottom part.  I took the whole thing apart to clean and fix, but that was all that was broken.